Thursday, May 5, 2011

Breaking Up With London

I have had my heart broken plenty of times before, but London..this is the true stinger. I never thought that I could fall in love with another skyline beside Chicago, but you did win my heart over for the past four months. I would never have thought I wouldn't want to leave. My family, my friends, my life is all back in Illinois and all I want to do is walk around Hyde Park, go to the pub at 5pm, and basically stay here forever. If I could have everyone I loved move to London or at least be guaranteed I could see them in person every few months, I wouldn't leave..that is how hard I fell for this.
First night in London
Last night in London

To be honest, the past four months have flown by in the blink of an eye. I didn't know time could travel that fast. At the beginning things got a little bit rocky with being homesick and finding a good group of friends, but now I am leaving, already homesick from London and saying good bye to some of the most amazing people. I have made wonderful and life long friendships here in London, I will never forget any of them. Distance will not keep me from talking to the people I have met here. I am the type of person that holds on until the last string is cut, so don't expect me to leave your life once I leave here.

The past four months has done wonders for me. I left home with a broken heart and in a rut with life. I was sort of "over" life and looking for something new. Sometimes I would walk around with this heavy weight on my shoulders and not even know what was wrong with me, I just wasn't happy. If it weren't for London, I wouldn't have been able to pick myself up again. But I flew myself the 4,000 miles to London for a life changing experience. I am sad to leave London but besides the good bye tears, I am going home happy with a smile on my face and a smile in my soul. I haven't been this emotionally and mentally happy in a while. I hope I carry this home with me because I don't want this feeling to go away. London has shown me how to be independent and to believe in myself. I have learned that it is okay to push myself to see my strengths. Not everyone can go to another country and study abroad. Before January, I have never flown without a member of my family and two of my trips here from Barcelona and to/from Sweden I flew all by myself and to be honest, I am really proud.

I can't wait to get back to the states. I know seeing my parents at the airport will make me so happy and I can't wait to see all my friends and hug them with great happiness. I can't wait for everyone to pick at my brain to see much I have grown, how much I have learned, and how much I have experienced. The stories are endless and I am willing to share all of those. I have over 700 pictures to show to my family tomorrow night at dinner. It means so much to me that I have had such loving and supportive friends through this wonderful time in my life, I want to share everything with those people that mean a lot to me. Being here has made me realize who my true friends are and who aren't. I know people have envied me and my adventures and it isn't always easy hearing how happy I am here, but those who love me know how much this experience has helped me and they are happy for me. All your happiness, love, and support mean more than you know and I can't thank you enough.

My plane takes off in 5 hours and good byes will be horrible. As cheesy as it goes, but I firmly believe in the saying, "It is not good bye, it is I see you later." This goes for my friends and for London. London, I PROMISE I will be back as soon as I can. I have fallen in love with you and everything you have given me, I would be silly not to come back. My friends that I have made here in London, thank you for everything. You have given me more than you know. I will never forget all our pub visits, the nights that ended by the toilettes, the family dinners, sharing moments over horrible cafeteria food, and our days in Hyde Park soaking up the sun. You all mean so much to me and are in my heart forever. I have so many friends in all parts of the US and I am planning on visiting you all one day! I can't wait to travel out to "buttfuck" New York and to see the joys of Boston. I can't wait to be at the premier of Trista's tv show in LA. You all have a warm welcome in Chicago, I wouldn't reject a visit for anything!

It isn't good bye, it is I'll see you later. I will see you later my wonderful new friends. I will see you later gorgeous London. Thank you for the best 4 months of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. As for those in Burr Ridge, Chicago, Darien, Peoria...I'M COMING HOME!!



  1. I miss it all so much already! I don't even leave for another 2 hours! xxxxxxx :)

  2. I am SO proud of where you are right now and I WILL NOT see you take a single step back (: I still have a couple days left until i get to see your shining face in person, but I'm so happy just knowing you're only a phone call and a two hour drive away. I love you tons and tons and next time you leave to go 4,000 miles away I'm coming with :D

  3. Welcome home my little princess. We sent a young lady to London and got back a young woman. We are so proud of you. I am so proud of you. The experience you have just witness will be with you for ever. There are a few times in life when you change because life gives you something to change for. Sometimes they are life's lessons that teach you and sometimes they are life's challenges that "make" you who you are. London was definitely the latter. I was concerned that my 19 year-old daughter was going far away, away from my protective reach if needed. I also knew my 19 year- old daughter will grow up and leave our home some day and be on her own. That day will be hard enough but this was a good "test" for both of us. Me let go a little and you growing up - on your own. We both handled this very well. I am so proud of you -this life changing experience and the chance to find your true self - the person inside of you who you really are. You found yourself in London and you found what it is to be happy, satisfied, and PROUD of yourself. You found you and now you begin the rest of your life. Grow and keep growing. You are a wonderful person and your true friends will find that and share that true person with you. Keep that true person close to you. Share it with only a few and best friends. Life has so much to offer if you always reach a little further every day. Your are a beautiful daughter and a beautiful person. My butterfly kiss person. Love you more than you know. DAD.

  4. Hey! So I found your blog through the AIFS website. I'm trying to go to London next year and I read through your entire blog. Just wanted to say thank you for the great insights! Whether you realize it or not there was some amazing advice! Can't wait to visit the places you visited!
